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A new website for the Fondazione

monday 04 july 2016

The Fondazione Chiaravalle-Montessori moves to its new virtual house, a space designed  and optimized to have a more immediate and smarter usage, favouring even more the  knowledge of our past, present and future activities.

The new www.fondazionechiaravallemontessori.it is mainly divided in four sections (About,  Maria Montessori, Activities and Training, Contacts) with a focus on our social media  identities, today more important than ever to spread quickly messages and knowledge.

A newsletter and a reserved area will be activated soon, the latter containing archives and  previously unreleased materials dedicated to our associated students.

Come back and visit us soon to remain updated with the latest news from the Montessori  world, straight out of her hometown of Chiaravalle (AN), Italy.  Info & enquiries: info@fondazionechiaravallemontessori.it  Fondazione Chiaravalle-Montessori
