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For kindergarden and primary school teachers residing/living in the Marche Region. “Marche Montessori: un'aula grande quanto una Regione” Cod. Progetto 1003380

The Fondazione Chiaravalle Montessori, in partnership with Eurocentro srl, UniMC and ONM, happily presents to you the first two free Montessori training courses created…

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Summer openings FCM

We'd like to remind you that the FCM's office as well as Montessori's birth house will be closed from August 13th to the 20th included.

During the…

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Follow our new Facebook page

be updated with just a click

Due to a technical problem we were forced to shut down our old Facebook page and open a new one (at this address).

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Extraordinary office closure

Monday 11/06, afternoon


Due to a power interruction the FCM office, as well as the Maria Montessori birth house, will be closed on the afternoon of Monday…

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Help the FCM with your 5x1000

Spread the Montessori thought with us

Se anche tu vuoi sostenere la Fondazione Chiaravalle Montessori nell'attività di valorizzazione dell'opera e del pensiero di Maria Montessori puoi donare il tuo 5 per mille!
Donare è facilissimo, basta…

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Book presentation "The magic in the small things"

We'd like to invite all the kindergarden and primary school teachers to the presentation of the book "The magic in the small things",…

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Office closure, Easter holydays

We'd like to inform you that, during the Easter holydays, the FCM's office as well as Montessori's birth house will be closed on the upcoming March…

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Alessandro Fo closes SCHOOL WRITERS

27/03, 5pm, auditorium croce gialla, Chiaravalle

Nell’ambito della rassegna SCRITTORI DI SCUOLA, si terrà martedì 27 marzo, sempre alle ore 17.00 e sempre presso l’auditorium della Croce Gialla di Chiaravalle, l’appuntamento inizialmente previsto per il…

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Office closure, Saturday the 17th of Marche

We'd like to inform you that, due to the beginning of the 0-3 Montessori course in Senigallia, the FCM's office as well as Montessori's birth…

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